and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Freiburg-im-Breisgau - Schloßberg - from the town centre.

Monday 08 July - in Freiburg

The day dawned wet and miserable, and a stroll round town was quite enough to soak us!  
By 5.45 pm it was beginning to dry a little... so we took ourselves out at about 6 and walked up the Schloßberg, a hill close to the city centre with wonderful views over the hills of the Black Forest.
 The Münster, with its lacy stonework spire.

When we reached this tower, we thought that was it - and it was locked and graffities.
However the path continued, and so did we -  eventually arriving at this structure.
It is the Aussichtsturm, a structure built in 2002 , 185 meters above the city, 463 above sea level, and 153 well designed steps to the top! 
Once we'd reached it, it had to be climbed.

Well worth it ... as a German couple reminded me "Es lohnt sich!" I chatted to them about the names of hills, and whether the suburb of St.Georgen still had a swimming pool. Memories from 1966!! 

The tower is on the site of a fortress from way back.

Then by 7.50 we went down to the local Weinfest, where we bought grilled salmon and then an Apfelmus pancake, before returning to the appartment.

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