and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Hambleton Peninsula, Rutland Water

Monday 29 January. With Marion, Kate and Eddie. Around 5 1/2 miles.
We're still sticking to the tracks and avoiding mud where possible. 

We parked at the end of the road, and walked the north side first - it's more strenuous, and good to have under your belt.
Just as we arrived at the point where track meets road the threatened rain arrived. It wasn't too heavy, and I tried to conjure it away by putting my waterproof on.

It  mixed with enough sun to produce a rainbow and then stopped.

The wind was quite strong, as we made our way along to the path round the southern side.
Another short shower arrived just after I'd decided it was time for a coffee break. Luckily it didn't last long and we arrived back at the car in time for another downpour. Lunch at The Orchard in Uppingham.


Ida Jones said...

Braving the elements - and you were rewarded with a rainbow!

aliqot said...

Indeed - though I had to adjust the photo slightly, and the sky looks bluer than it was!

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

I hope to cycle around the whole thing one day!

aliqot said...

It's a grand ride on a fine day. I'm afraid I chickened out at 11 miles this afternoon - ran out of steam on the uphill bits. It was getting late too, so I let himself speed on and pick me up in the car! We usually do the circuit without Hambleton, but come spring, I may make a day of it and do the lot. It's about 21 miles or so.