and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Monday, September 9, 2024

A walk after rain - Staffordshire Moorlands

After. morning of mist and rain, the weather cleared, and we decided we should get out.

From the cottage at Ridgehead Farm, we walked up through the field to the road, then across to the very rutted track to Morridge Top.  

Here we crossed the A53 and went down the minor road, past Roundhill Farm, Adders Green, and the entrance to Anroach Farm.

We continued on this road past Moss Top Farm and as far as the crossroads. We turned left and went to the junction.  A left turn and a walk along the slightly busier road down a bit past Goldstych Farm, over the bridge across a stream ,

then quite a long uphill drag, past Baldstone and Newstone Farms and back to the main road. We turned left again, to walk for a few yards on the A53, which has a decent verge here. After The Winking Man pub, we took the first turn left. 

We walked beside the road up Bareleg Hill, which is just a bit too busy for comfort. Then it was downhill as far as the gate and track leading back to the cottage.

4.5 miles, with around 580 feet of climbing.

A bit too much road walking, but a good leg stretch and breath of air.


Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Nice little trundle that!

aliqot said...

Just what we needed. Thank you.

aliqot said...

PS _ Good to see your butterfly post - we saw a few red admirals and one tortoiseshell a few days ago. Very few this summer. The glitch with my comments on your blog is still there!