and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Ashurst and Lyndhurst, Hampshire

 Ashurst and Lyndhurst

Friday 30th August 2024. With Harry.

We set off around 10 am to do a walk similar to one we did last year, but in reverse. It’s around 12 miles in all.

Through the houses to the main road to Lyndhurst - very busy as usual, but we soon left it and the noise of traffic behind. We took a not very obvious footpath opposite the New Forest Inn, and turned right  into the Woodlands area, with its grassy paths.

We followed the path west  past Ironshill Inclosure, leaving the Lodge hidden in the trees to our left. Then we crossed a gravelled track, and continued ahead for a short distance. There we turned left and walked through some more open land where there was a donkey grazing.

We sought a dry log to sit on and have a coffee break.

We know not to approach the animals, but this fellow took the initiative, in spite of us not feeding him.

There were also a few ponies. Very New Forest.

The path skirts the golf course and head towards the main road once more.

There is an underpass for pedestrians and animals - clearly well-used by the ponies.

Now we climbed the gentle slope of White Moor, making for the ridge close to Beaulieu Road. it was quite hot on this section of the walk, but nothing like last year.

After a mile and a half or so we reached Matley Wood campsite and a shaded section of the walk. This made a surprisingly quiet spot for lunch.

The path continued down hill, and we reached open heathland again.

We turned left along the path towards Ashurst Lodge, crossing the Beaulieu River via a footbridge.

At this point a herd of ponies appeared heading west..

We continued and took the path towards Ashurst Farm, crossing the mainline railway on the way. At Ashurst Farm (marked on the house as Churchplace Cottage, we followed the main track which comes out near the Happy Cheese pub. Once we arrived at the Southampton to Lyndhurst Road, we retraced our steps back to base.

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