and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Monday, April 1, 2019

Gretton, Harringworth Lodge, Bulwick (almost)

Just me and Kate today, Monday 1st April 2019, another gloriously sunny day, chilly at the start, but we soon warmed up. Just over 8 miles.
We missed out Bulwick village this time, as we're not sure what's happened since the shop/cafe had a fire a couple of months ago.

We followed the same route as this walk, but didn't cross the bridge over the A43. Pace was a pretty steady 3 miles an hour.

Not the luxury coffee stop we have grown accustomed to recently, but we can still sit on the ground - and get up afterwards!
Blackthorn bushes decorating the field edges.
The lake near Harringworth Lodge, its surface ruffled by the gentle though chill breeze
We ended up in Lydia's Cafe in Gretton for a sandwich and a coffee.

All paths were clear and dry today - ideal conditions for walking. We hope lost lamb 77 found its mother...

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