and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

May 7th - 10th Carradale, Kintyre

Part 1 - the journey across

We crossed to Kintyre peninsula by taking the ferry from Ardrossan to Brodick on the Isle of Arran.
Before long the east of the the island was basking in the sun, and we drove a short distance south to a car park with a terrific view of Arran's hills, including the highest, Goatfell.

Back into Brodick for the essential coffee, before crossing the island to Blackwaterfoot, and finding more cloud.

Finally we headed north to Lochranza,  The Sandwich Station provided an excellent lunch before the short ferry crossing to Claonaig, on the eastern side of Kintyre. 

 The drive along the single track road south to Carradale took about forty minutes.

Part 2 - Deer Hill

Monday 7th May, afternoon.

We followed the instructions given on the link above, with variations.
The first time I walked the route in reverse, and although the top (230 Meters high) was clear the views were not as good as promised. It had been a rainy morning and the clouds were low. 

Thursday 10th May
We walked up the hill again on a much clearer day. In fact we walked up it twice, combining this with a walk around the lower part of the country park. This made a very good walk of just over ten miles, with about 1400 feet of climbing.

And we had the views - of Carradale Bay, of Arran, of Ailsa Craig and beyond.
Looking back over Carradale Bay
Arran across the water

Ailsa Craig - the rock on the horizon


Ida Jones said...

Sounds and looks wonderful - and of course I had the song Mull of Kintyre in my head as I read and looked at the photos! Lovely shots of spring flowers too.

aliqot said...

It is beautiful, so long as you get the weather of course. But save that song for a later post . . .