and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Lyddington to Uppingham and back, via the road.

Tuesday 28th January

The weather forecast was horrible, but we were very lucky - we avoided any serious rain.

There was a glimpse of the sun

and even a brief rather faint rainbow

We decided on coffee and a scone each in the Fifth Element cafe in Uppingham, before returning by the same route. 

The stream below the path was flowing well.

Half of our route - just over 2 miles each way, with 350 feet of climbing too.



A short stroll through Corby (Shire Lodge end)

 Monday 27th January. 

With Norma, Kate and Maureen. The weather was drier than forecast, so we had a fairly brief (2 mile) walk around before yielding to the temptations of coffee.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Geddington to Kettering via Weekley Hall Wood

Friday 24th January 2025.

As forecast it was certainly windy, but not ferociously so, and the bright sun more than compensated. Marta and I set off well before 10,  passing some daffodils just beginning to flower.

 We walked three 1/2 miles through Weekley Hall Wood to the outskirts of Kettering.

We ventured over the main road to look at the ex Fox and Peony to check what is happening. It will be a bistro/bar/cafe called the Bull Pen. Not open yet, so we went to Starbucks, which was surprisingly full to start with. We had a decent break, and some Spanish practice. 

The return trip was via the slightly shorter route, with the wind behind us. Just seven miles according to my walk app.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Empingham to Whitwell Harbour, Rutland Water

 Monday 20th January. With Norma, Kate and Maureen. 4.75 miles.

Across the field from Nook Lane, and through the stretch of woodland.

We followed the path to the end of the dam and through Sykes Lane Car Park, past the Great Tower sculpture.

The weather was grey to begin with, but brightened up a fair bit as we walked.

We continued along the reservoir path towards Whitwell area.

A longish coffee and tea cake break at the Harbour Cafe.

We could just about see our shadows as we walked back.

We even saw a few snowdrops today.

Looking brighter…
Our route:

Gretton to Kirby Hall

 Friday 17th January.

With Harry. Wellies were the right choice for the field section too.

About 4 miles.

photos to follow.

Friday, January 17, 2025

A mini walk at Rutland Water.

 A rather chilly, damp day, with a wind. A very short stroll from Normanton Car Park down to the church, mainly to see hiw the snowdrops and aconites are progressing this year. Verdict, they are a bit slow!

A wander from Wing

 Wednesday 15th January

Another short wander - the weather was surprisingly mild.

 About 2 miles.

And on the way back a view of the viaduct in the misty valley

East Carlton Park

 Tuesday 14th January 2025.

Marta and I agreed to meet at 10 am, and took a short fairly brisk wander round the park before coffee.

Only 2 miles, but it was pleasant. A bit of brightness and a glimpse of blue sky.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Burghley House to Stamford

 Monday 13th January

A shortish walk, 4 miles with Norma, Kate and Maureen. It was a grey morning, and although last week’s magical frost had gone and it was clearly milder, there was still enough wind to make it feel cold. We went to Burghley Park, where we left the car, admired the mistletoe high in the trees,

the splendid house

and the herd of deer,

lying down near the main path. 

We walked fairly briskly down to Stamford,

via the Meadows, where the river Welland was not looking inviting today. 

 It was not a day for hanging around idly for long.  We stopped for coffee and toast in Café Black, before making our way back, admiring the deer once more.