Monday 24th March
A fine day was forecast, and we decided that a second visit to the splendid peak of Shuttlingsloe (506 m; 1,660ft) was called for. We were there on 24th Feb 2024
We followed (more or less) Walk 25 from the AA book 50 Walks in the Peak District. The walk heads away from the summit to begin with, as we took the footpath close to the Crag Inn - just after the buildings and car park, and followed it around the hillside. At Greenway bridge we took a signed footpath following the stream.
At this point we decided to have a coffee, only to discover that we’d forgotten our wee jar of instant stimulant, and were stuck with hot water for the rest of the walk! We consoled ourselves with a chocolate biscuit and walked on.
The path continued over a stream, past a small pond,
and going uphill eventually coming out opposite the Hanging Gate pub - unfortunately not open until Friday!
We turned right and followed the road for about a mile, going straight on where the main road turns sharply left.
Eventually the road turns right and goes into the Macclesfield Forest visitor centre and car park. The Ladies was the only toilet open today, so it became unisex. There’s a large parking area, and access to quite a lot of forest tracks and Trentabank Reservoir.
A large picnic area with tables was where we took our lunch break.
After this the walk became steadily more demanding, as we followed a steep, though wide and clear track up through the trees.When we emerged the way to the top was clear to see.It’s a good hill to climb, with no deceptive false summits! Another break before the steep descent and walk back to the car.
Views good, though not so clear as last time. Approximately 7 miles and 1170 feet of ascent.