and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

26 Feb 2024, Three Shires Head

 A cloudy but dry morning today, with a very chill wind. We decided to walk to Three Shires Head from Gradbach car park. We set off just before 10am - the first part was tough because of the muddy conditions underfoot, and the cold wind in our faces. There was more ascent than I had anticipated - 600 feet in all, though nowhere near as steep as the climb up Shutlingsloe. Then it changed from mud to rough stone track, with wind all the way to Three Shires Head.

This is a picturesque spot well worth visiting, and even on a cold Monday in late February there were a few groups of people, including dog walkers and mountain bikers.

We found a sheltered enough spot for coffee and scone before deciding to take a different route back.  We followed the stony rough track along the  west side of the river Dane, climbing but not heading into the wind, as far as the road (Knarr Road). Across the road, just after a house,there is a gate leading to a footpath.  The footpath crossed boggy moorland, and we needed to consult the map as there were a few paths branching off.  The way down was easier apart from one or two patches of bog on the higher moorland section.  We reached the road   close to Hole Edge Farm, and passed Bennettsich Farm with snowdrops still blooming and daffodils in bud.

We spent a few minutes orienting ourselves in relation to the Roaches etc. 

Shortly after Bennettsitch our footpath turned off to the left. The path here was quite steep, occasionally rocky, through some gorse bushes - but dry. We passed a disused chapel, now a private house, crossed the county boundary and the river Dane,

then followed the path alongside the river, completing the circle of the walk, and returning to the car park. 5 miles and  600 feet of climbing.

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