and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

2024 June - Two short walks from Burghley

 Saturday June 1st 2024

With Harry .

Over to Burghley Park and walked into Stamford for coffee at Cafe Black, which has been done out inside.

We called into the Arts Centre where there was an exhibition/ fund raiser for providing wells in Kenya.

We saw two swans and a family of six cygnets on the river.

4.3 miles today.

Saturday 15th June.

To Stamford, coffee and walk to Burghley House and back, Massaman cauliflower at the Cosy Club,  

and then to a concert of opera and show songs in St Mary’s Church.

Catherine May, Daniel Joy and Nigel Stark on piano.

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