and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

2024 May 10th - Vindolanda and Hadrian’s Wall

 Friday 10th May

Harry took a brilliant  video of bats flitting around at about 4.30 am.

Glorious day once again.

First we went to the Vindolanda site and museum, and called in at the cafe, of course.

We started from The Sill centre, heading north along the minor road until we met the Hadrian’s wall trail, and headed more or less east.

There was some steep walking and grand views as we went 
past Sycamore Gap, milecastles 39 and 38, and above Crag Lough.

At the end of the lough we followed the trail as far as
 a farm (marked Hotbank on the OS map), where we turned left, and a shortish distance afterwards we turned left again.

We were walking just south of west, parallel to our walk out, and a gentler return route to the Sill centre and car park, back at Once Brewed.  Just under 5 miles, and the first half was pretty strenuous.

We saw two hares on the way over and swallows/ martins back at the house.

Then the Northern Lights display showed up!

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