and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Gretton - Caldecott - Rockingham - Gretton

Thu, 2014 Oct 2 8:36 AM BST
With Gordon and Eddie. Coffee and toast at Rockingham cafe. Fine, warm, cloudy. 8 - 9 miles.

We took the route from Gretton village to the footpath along the Welland, following the path through Church Gap, signposted to Thorpe by Water, diagonally over the field of ridge and furrow, across the railway line and the fields, and then the farm track under the line of pylons to Mill Road and the footpath just past the bridge and Gretton Weir.

The Welland is low just now, and the overflow channel is quite dry.
We passed a couple of fields with cows, who showed little interest in us.
The footpath leaves the riverside to make its way over fields to come out on the road into Caldecott. We walk through the village, and over the bridge with traffic lights. We turn right along the Great Easton Road, and walk along this for almost a mile, turning off just before Great Easton, along the track marked Jurassic Way, past the recycling bins.
We follow the Jurassic Way over the Welland again, and across the road between Cottingham and Rockingham, then into Rockingham, coming out at the tea-shop. Convenient or what? 
From here we go up the hill and turn off to the left at the Forge/Land Rover workshop. We're still on the Jurassic Way, though poor signage helps us go slightly off track at one point. 
Eventually we reach West Hill, and have to tackle the steep climb towards Gretton. Not too bad, since the fields are dry just now.
Look closely at the picture above and you may see Eddie and Gordon coming up the hill.
A view from the top. Five minutes walk outside Gretton!

Map etc


Ida Jones said...

Lovely, Alison. Particularly like the photo you featured on fb. Lovely reflections on water here as well at the moment. And the last photo with the autumn berries on thorn which set the season so well and give great perspective.

aliqot said...

Thank you, Ida. There has been very little wind over the past few days - always a chance to nab some good reflections!

Gordon said...

Gordon Steed
You can tell how far in front Alison was by the photo that was taken.
I should have taken the low road
but still a nice walk upto that point.
Hope we don't have any hills like that to finish on Monday.

aliqot said...

I don't like stopping half way up, I may never reach the top if I lose momentum! All roads lead uphill to Gretton unfortunately.