and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Empingham circular

Mon, 2014 Feb 24 9:41 AM GMT
 Large group - 14 of us. Led by Mel in spirit, me on the ground!  A little drizzle, but mostly fine - conditions underfoot drying out. Lunch in Ashwell.

 We set off from Empingham, near the White Horse pub.  Then it's across the busy road to Nook Lane and pick up the footpath between two houses.  
Sensible people keep eyes opened for yellow posts - those who let themselves get distracted by talking follow a sheep trail and have to retrace their steps.
The path goes through some fairly muddy woodland and emerges into grassland below the Rutland Water dam. For the sake of mileage we join the dam at the far end and turn sharp left to walk along the track.
 We follow this round, past Normanton Church, and then a spectacular display of snowdrops and then aconites, eventually reaching Normanton Car Park.  

The cafe isn't open, but the tables and benches are much appreciated.

Did I miss anyone?

We leave the car park and turn left along the main road for a short distance, then turn right along the minor road leading to Ketton.  We pass Oak farm on our left, and take a footpath to our left just before Top Cottages, and about a hundred yards before a road junction.  The path takes us more or less north, and we pass Normanton Lodge Farm and Whare Koa on our right before we join the minor road - there are views of the reservoir and the dam on our left.  When the road bends to the right, at Normanton Cottages,  a path continues ahead. We stay on the road, and turn right at the T junction.

After about 400 yards we take a path turning sharply left and heading North. This is part of the Hereward Way. It take us over the A606 and continues north, crossing another path, and meeting a track.

We turn left from the track and make our way over a footbridge and into Empingham.

 You can either follow the Hereward Way as far as the church, and then turn right, or you can turn right and hit Main Street a little earlier.

Great to be able to walk on footpaths without sinking ankle deep in mud!

Map and details

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