and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Ridlington - Belton - Ridlington

Led by Mel. Welcome back!  With Barry, Maureen, Gordon, Eddie, Jill, Ken and me. Some sun, but cold - the first real frost of the year. Another sticky-boot day.

We parked at Ridlington Cricket ground, as instructed last time, then set off down Noel Lane, past the Old Noel Arms and down a muddy lane, where we met a mini-flock of Jacob's sheep.
Over a stile and along the field edge, then through a hedge.

We continued for a mile or so before coming close to the bridge over the river Chater and turning left along the Leighfield Way, which goes slightly west of south towards Belton-in-Rutland.

I cheated here - took this pic in July!

The path pulls uphill for a while, then down to the village. Belton war memorial has a welcoming wall for weary walkers.
From there we walked downhill and turned left very soon at a footpath sign.  We crossed a field and then a footbridge over the stream.  The path went uphill quite gently, and, when it met another path, we turned left to climb more steeply.  From here the track is clear.

The area feels quite remote, apart from Park Farm, which sits on a hill, in splendid isolation.  We arrived back at Ridlington, after a walk of slightly less than 7 miles. 
Map and details

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