and occasionally rides a bike.
A word of warning. The walk descriptions are not detailed enough to guide you - please take a map. The batteries never run out, and you always have a signal. Oh, And don't take left or right as gospel!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lubenham circular via Foxton Locks

Mon, 2014 Aug 18 9:35 AM BST
Led by Tommy. With Gordon, Barrie E, Marion, Sue, Chris, Phil, Ian and Carol and me. Fairly flat, over fields and along canal briefly. Fine and dry, tho' cloudy. Just over 6 miles.

We  walk along the Green in Lubenham and out of the village past Manor Farm, then across fields. The first one has been ploughed, but is dry underfoot - the rest still show clear paths through crops ready for harvest.

Our path heads north east, and when we come to a path junction we turn left or north west towards Gartree Prison. We turn right at the boundary then cross a road and continue north towards the canal. 
We cross via a footbridge, then walk through fields before rejoining the canal and walking to Foxton Locks.

Luckily our diet is not as rich as Richard III's!
We pause for coffee at the Top Lock Café, then take the path mor or less south east, after crossing the Gumley Road (before the car park).
The path takes us in a southeasterly direction,  over several stiles, past a fishing lake near Holmes Farm, through fields with bullocks and then these mini cattle, and comes out on the road into Lubenham.

We cross the road and take the footpath opposite. It brings us into Lubenham after a short distance. Then it's lunch at the local pub. Thanks for a grand walk, Tommy!


Ida Jones said...

Looks and sounds as if you had a grand time, Alison.

aliqot said...

It was enjoyable - a relatively easy walk in good company.

Roy Norris said...

Dexters - the mini cattle Alison.

aliqot said...

Thanks, Roy!